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About me

Hello there!  

My name is Sophie Peijnenburg and I have worked as a professional User Researcher and UX designer for over 4 years now. I graduated in Communication and Multimedia design of the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam (2019). During my course, I studied UX, Behavioural Design, Graphic Design, Human-centred Design and I completed a minor in Design Thinking and Doing. I love doing User Research the most because it gives me the opportunity to really connect with the end-user in a fun way, and come up with a better and creative solution based on the research insights. 

Next to working in several agencies (within national and international teams) I also have experience working as a freelancer and working abroad.

Working Abroad

After graduating, I didn't feel like taking the same bus every day to the same desk, to do the same job as the day before. I was looking for a new and lively community to develop my skills even further and to let myself grow as a person. Australia always seems perfect to me because of the warm people and of course the beautiful nature.

After 3 years of saving and working my ass off, my dream finally came true! 

During my time in Australia, I worked in Sydney and Melbourne as a freelance designer, and of course, I also did a bit of traveling and relaxing. I feel really blessed for all the great things my adventure has brought me and I can't wait to start traveling again.

16 Personalities test: Consul

I recently took the '16 personalities' test to see what kind of personality I have and how this can be a benefit in a working environment. It turned out that I belong to the Consul-type personality, which means that I have a very practical approach to problems and love to maintain a stable and friendly environment for myself and others. 

Characteristics I recognize myself most in:

"Few personality types are as practical and caring as Consuls. Known for their social and administrative skills, Consuls are good at creating and maintaining a secure, stable and friendly environment for themselves and their loved ones. Consuls’ dedication is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth. 

Yet Consuls can be easily tripped up in areas where their kindness and practical approach are more of a liability than an asset." - Result 16 personalities 


Strong practical skills

I am able to solve challenges with a very 'hands-on' approach. It's easy for me to take initiative and create a structured plan for implementing new ideas. 


Good at connecting with others

I am able to connect well with others and I love working in a team. Usually I come across very expressive and enthusiastic, allowing me to communicate well and build strong relationships. 


Strong sense of duty

I have a strong sense of responsibility and strive to meet my obligations. I like to work in a structured way and  I find it important to be able to substantiate my work well. 

Other skills and experiences

Download my resume to get a quick summary of my skills and experiences.

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